I understand…
Depending on the phase of life you are currently experiencing you may be in a period of uncertainty, juggling spot fires, parenting, sleep deprivation, health issues, loneliness, seeking meaningful connection with others or fulfilment in your life purpose, study or career. Maybe you have reached a point of wonderment, feeling “Is this it?” “Is there more to life than this?” and you are yearning to live a life you love.
I totally get it, I’ve been there.
Some days, I’m still there.
You, my darling heart, are in the right place.
To heal you have to get to the root of the wound
and kiss it all the way up.
Rupi Kaur

I first experienced…
I first experienced Gestalt Psychotherapy as a new mum to my third child living in a new city. I signed up for a playgroup only to discover I had joined a post natal support group. What incredible divine timing this turned out to be.
Fourteen years on and I have experienced group therapy, extensive personal therapy, created a mum’s group that has spanned more than a decade, attended women’s circles, created and facilitated women’s birth support groups, gone on to complete my Masters of Gestalt Therapy over a 4 year period.
I studied and practiced as a Doula (birth worker) for several years supporting women and their families to experience a connected and positive birth. As a mum who has had four children I am across many different ways to experience pregnancy, birth, loss, parenting and being in relationship.
I am also a certified Angel Messenger and Lightleader having studied with Shunanda Scott to complete level 1, 2 and 3 angel messenger certification qualifying me to offer guided readings and soul led mentoring.
Through this study and practice I have come to know myself as a sovereign soul having a human experience. By establishing a solid connection with the Archangels, my own angelic team and my spirit guides I have found my life has shifted to a heart centred experience allowing me to live a life of gratitude and growth consciously and intentionally always from love.”
This flows on into our sessions together with guided support working alongside psychotherapeutic theory.
When I first graduated from my Masters of Gestalt Psychotherapy I was offered a role in a private hospital as a Trauma and Grief therapist. I supported bereaved parents, women who had experienced a traumatic birth, or a traumatic childhood and were feeling reactivated during pregnancy. I also facilitated a weekly group therapy session for new parents in the infant sleep clinic. I would begin with a grounding meditation as new parents can often feel stuck in their thought process. Often new parents are in survival mode and find it challenging to come up for air. This opened up the space to offer women’s circles, theme focused workshops and retreats. Yes these early days of parenting are challenging however here’s a shock for you, every day of parenting brings a challenge of some kind. The work is in strengthening our connection to self so we can then feel confident in our ability to relate to others (the old, put your oxygen mask on first before you help others scenario). When we are feeling stable and secure we are able to create an external world that is in alignment. I have supported hundreds of families to connect and grow together and I am here to support you too.
A personal story….
I learnt to ski at 15 when fear was more of a thrill. However, I found in my 30s I was becoming increasingly afraid of falling over and getting seriously injured. My skills regressed significantly. I found myself on a ski lift with a young female instructor in New Zealand and she suggested maybe since I had become a mother I suddenly had my mortality and health to think of.
It was an AHA moment for me. Coming into awareness and discovering this growth edge that if I was injured and out of action then it would be harder to care for my family. This realisation immediately reduced my fear and over time I became bolder in extending my abilities, rejuvenating the thrill that first appealed to me in skiing.
That first fall after having children was an epic one. I got up, continued down the mountain and actually squealed with absolute delight over conquering this fear and anxiety.
Suddenly falling wasn’t so scary. The same can be said for therapy. By exploring the layers of self we can enrich our connection to our life.
Working together and being well supported you are invited to experiment with safe emergencies.
Together we play out real life scenarios so you can experience what it is like to stretch yourself and explore your own boundaries of fear and trepidation yet feel held and supported in a way that maintains your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual safety.