Anchoring into 2025: Embracing New Beginnings

As we step into February, the year 2025 is well underway. Yet, for many of us, the true beginning of the year isn’t marked by the calendar flipping over on January 1st. For me, as an Aquarian, my new year feels like it starts around my birthday. It’s a time of reflection, assessment, and renewed energy. I’ve often wondered if others experience this same sense of renewal around their birthday, regardless of when it falls.

This time of year, I also choose a word to guide me through the next 12 months. It’s a practice I’ve done for a while now, but this year, the process felt challenging. Usually, a word presents itself with ease, but this time, it lingered just out of reach. I found myself questioning if I was even meant to have a word this year.

Choosing a word isn’t just about setting an intention. It’s about anchoring into the energy you want to embody. But as I explored my options, I realised something interesting: I was gravitating towards words that symbolised hard work. This was familiar territory for me—hard work is my comfort zone. But then it hit me. Why was I resisting ease? Why did I feel like choosing a word that represented ease would be a cop-out?

This realisation led to deeper self-reflection. I’ve always been someone who thrives in a crisis, someone who knows how to push through challenges. But was that really the only way to grow? Was it possible that I was subconsciously choosing struggle because it was what I knew best?

I began to toy with the idea of ease—not as a sign of giving up, but as a sign of growth. It felt foreign and almost rebellious to consider a word that wasn’t about struggle. But as I sat with this discomfort, I started to let go of the belief that growth always has to be hard.

Eventually, two words came to me. At first, I hesitated to share them, remembering how I’ve kept my words close to my chest in the past. There’s a vulnerability in speaking dreams aloud, especially in a culture that can sometimes be quick to judge. But this year, I’ve decided to take a different approach.

During a conversation with a dear friend, I shared both words. Her response was immediate: “It’s obviously that one.” Her insight was simple yet powerful—why make things harder than they need to be? In that moment, I realised I was allowed to choose ease. I didn’t have to earn it.

And so, I’ve chosen my word for 2025. It’s a word that feels light, celebratory, and joyful—a word that invites me to embrace the good without guilt. I’m choosing to wear it proudly, like a beautiful dress that feels just right, even if it’s outside my comfort zone.

As you anchor into 2025, I invite you to reflect on your own intentions. Whether you choose a word, set goals, or simply move forward with curiosity, remember that growth doesn’t always have to be hard. Sometimes, the most profound growth comes from allowing yourself to embrace ease.

If you’re ready to begin your own healing journey and reconnect with your soul’s true essence, I invite you to visit to learn more about the transformative spiritual practices and healing services available. Together, we can explore the path toward healing, growth, and sovereignty. You don’t have to walk this path alone—let’s walk it together.


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